
Telia: The future of digital operations today

In this client success story, Telia has cracked the code to efficient operations with their digital platform that all employees can access.




Multiple platforms

Lack of accountability


Efficient operations

Strong task management

Companies need to prioritize digital operations. This has never been more apparent than in the last few years in order for companies to stay relevant, up to date, and at the forefront of the continuing digital revolution.

And, this is especially needed in the retail industry- an industry still relying on outdated technologies. In fact, due to a lack of digital operations tools, retail managers spend 45-55% of their time on administrative and operational procedures.

This eats into valuable time that could be spent on customer service and employee development.

Nordic Telecommunications company, Telia, is addressing these operational issues, and they are discovering the unlimited possibilities that digitized operations can provide.

Before the platform

Before implementing their Relesys digital platform, Telia used several different systems, from shift planners to daily news, internal communications, and task management.

Juggling multiple platforms became increasingly complicated for their employees as they had to remember different login details while switching between the many mobile and desktop systems.

So, Telia decided to search the market, and discover how they could gather all their operational and communications platforms into one place.

Gustav Björkman Bentzen, Project and Process Manager at Telia, headed the project, and he had a clear vision. After working at Telia for more than 15 years in both their stores and at HQ, Gustav had first-hand experience of what a Telia store employee needed.

He wanted to make it easier for their employees to actually work in the stores and, in doing so, prioritize a high level of customer service. But how could he achieve this?

Gustav noticed that many store employees would reach for their phones as soon as they stopped talking to customers. This was a lightbulb moment. Why don’t they use their mobile phones for work? To stay up to date with store campaigns, daily tasks, and communication?

So, Telia searched for mobile-based solutions. And found the answer in Relesys.

The platform provided a streamlined space for all operations and internal communications. Now, Telia’s employees can use their phones to stay up to date with all work information.

And not only that, but the platform also provided managers and HQ with trackable user-generated data. Something unimaginable beforehand when tasks and news were distributed via email or on desktop- managers and HQ did not know if tasks were being completed, let alone read. And the communication was reliant on the individual store managers only.

But now, they could easily track which employees had read their company news, implemented store campaigns, and completed their daily tasks.

Finally, a solution to unite their operations into one place.

The solution: Efficient digitized operations

Telia operates in a highly competitive industry at the forefront of technological advancements, meaning they always need to stay up to date. Plus, as a telecommunications company, they should not only be talking the talk but walking the walk when it comes to the technology they use internally.

Thus, Telia gathered all their internal communications and operations into their platform: Telia Inside.

What’s included in Telia Inside?

All things related to the daily working of a Telia store employee.

This includes company news, updates, store campaigns, events/calendar functions, a task management function (called ‘To-Dos’), and a fully interactive area for each store called ‘My Team’ containing team communications, store rota, as well as a social wall.

Telia’s platform is designed to support, engage, and motivate all their employees so they can keep on top of their operations, and in doing so, provide excellent customer service in-store.

Gustav Björkman Bentzen, further explains the purpose of their app, indicating how it has become an invaluable source of information for their employees:

Our focus with the app is to provide a source of information that makes the daily work tasks easier and more efficient for our employees.
Gustav Björkman Bentzen, Project and Process Manager

The results: Benefitting both managers and employees

Telia’s app helps to bridge the communication gap between HQ and store employees giving all workers access to everything in one place.

And the results are indicating that their employees are loving their app and are finding it easy to use in the workplace. Fast access on the go has made it especially attractive.

They have even found that employees use the app on their way to work to quickly check any new notifications or news, while also updating themselves on their work tasks for that day. This means that Telia’s employees show up informed and ready to work every single day.

And the benefits can be seen for both employees and their managers.

Telia’s employees use the app for almost everything. All the information that is necessary for a Telia employee to perform their job can be found in the app. Not only that, but everything is automated, right from the very moment they begin their journey at Telia. They always have access to all the information they need.

Partnership collaboration

And, at work, all their tasks are in the app, found in the aforementioned ‘To-Do’ task management module. Tasks can be assigned weeks before the due date and can be assigned to a specific individual, store, or even district.

Tasks will have a start and end date and can also include different media like images or video, creating accessibility for all employees.

Store managers and HQ also love the task management function in the app. They can define who completes what task, check their progression, and have a clearer overview of all tasks to be completed. In fact, it’s become a tool that helps them get their job done: it’s an integral part of their job.

In fact, operations are so vital to Telia’s running, that Gustav states:

If the operational parts aren’t complete, you won’t be able to give a good customer experience.
Gustav Björkman Bentzen, Project and Process Manager

The future: How can we push the app even further?

Telia has seen immense engagement from their employees as they have a much better overview of news and information now that everything is gathered in their app.

Gustav feels that Telia is more cohesive and connected as a company than ever before and indicates the ever-growing possibilities of their platform.

"We do not let ourselves be limited by what communication tools can do today. We are going into this collaboration thinking: What can we make of this, and how can we push it further? We want to use the app to go even higher on our path of possibilities."
Gustav Björkman Bentzen, Project and Process Manager

And push it further they will. In fact, their app is still continuously being updated. All Relesys platforms are designed in collaboration with our clients, meaning that the Telia Inside app is constantly developed to ensure it meets all their needs.

Gustav mentions that one key thing contributing to this development is the ability to get employee feedback and gather data from the app itself.

If one area of the app is not being used or another needs to be emphasized, this will be developed as the app needs to work for their employees.

Want to learn more about how Telia is using efficient operations? Watch our on-demand webinar here.
